How we collaborate with the Candidates:

Submit application.

If you are still not registered in our data base we invite you to send application.


Recruitment process.

We talk with you about the job offer and ask couple of short verification questions. If you are interested and fulfill requirements, we invite you to the next step in the process. It’s an interview, which takes 1 – 1,5 hour.

The process of Candidates verification in our company is complex. We analyze many aspects: from character traits up to “hard” competences.

So we will ask many different questions and can even ask you do do an exercise. If our Customer will request us to check your references, we will ask you for contact to people that we can talk to about you.

Invitation for the recruitment process.

We send you job offer with job description, requirements for the position, challanges, indicators as well as Customer offer, place of employment and other information necessary for you to decide about participation in the recruitment process.

We do our best to present detailed job offer. We respect your time.

Recruitment process

We talk with you about the job offer and ask couple of short verification questions. If you are interested and fulfill requirements, we invite you to the next step in the process. It’s an interview, which takes 1 – 1,5 hour.

The process of Candidates verification in our company is complex. We analyze many aspects: from character traits up to “hard” competences.

So we will ask many different questions and can even ask you do do an exercise. If our Customer will request us to check your references, we will ask you for contact to people that we can talk to about you.

Presentation of Candidate profile.

We present your profile to the Customer. If the Customer is interested in your profile, we set the meeting.

We give you feedback about how you presented yourself during the meeting.

Recruitment process completion.

If the Customer gives you a job offer, we will facilitate discussion about the details and if necessary support you in negotiations.

We can help you in submiting required documents and in discussions with current employer in order to cease smoothly the current contract of employment, calm down emptions and ensure comfortable transfer from old to new employer.

Zasady współpracy

The rules of cooperation:

  • We respect your time and discuss all important aspects during first phone call
  • We don’t send your profile to our Customers without your knowledge and consent
  • We take care of clear and timely communication
  • We give you feedback on each step of the recruitment process
  • We ensure full confidentiality
  • We protect your personal information in line with RODO directive
  • We care to make the recruitment process a possitive Candidate experience

Check what else we can help you with?

Ikona assessment & development center

Interim Management

Ikona audytu rodo

Financial Audit

Ikona coachingu

Operational Audit

Ikona narzędzi hr

Assessment & Development Centre

Ikona szkolenia rodo

Business Analysis

Latest job offers

Key Account Manager (retail)
  • Voivodeship: Lubuskie
  • Industry: Inżynieria i produkcja
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista
Key Account Manager
  • Voivodeship: Cała Polska
  • Industry: Sprzedaż
Export Manager
  • Industry: Sprzedaż
  • Required languages: Niemiecki
Senior CAD Engineer
Specjalista ds. obsługi klienta
  • Voivodeship: Pomorskie
  • Industry: Obsługa klienta
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista
Inżynier Utrzymania Ruchu
  • Voivodeship: Lubuskie
  • Industry: Inżynieria i produkcja
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista
Specjalista ds. płac oraz administracji kadrowej
  • Voivodeship: Dolnośląskie
  • Industry: HR
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista
Inżynier jakości
  • Voivodeship: Lubuskie
  • Industry: Inżynieria i produkcja
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista
Specjalista ds.jakości dostawców
  • Voivodeship: Lubuskie
  • Industry: Inżynieria i produkcja
  • Required languages: Angielski
  • Position level: Specjalista

How do our Clients rate us?

Stalwart Manacus stands out very positively from other agencies as one that takes the time with the candidate, trying to understand his motivations and ambitions, and then keeps in touch with him by informing him of the current labor market situation and potential projects. As a candidate, I felt interest and support from Stalwart consultants. Thank you very much for such a unique approach to people active in the labor market.
Piotr Mokrzan
Plant Manager
My cooperation with Stalwart Manacus began in 2012. It has been 9 years of very productive cooperation, which has given me concrete benefits. Thanks to the advice and pragmatic view of the labor market, I precisely develop my skills, I am confident in my position in the labor market, which significantly translates into my professional success. I recommend contacting for people who are looking for themselves in business or are already experienced in the job market.
Sławomir Zabawa
Mondelēz International
ACM IoT app Product owner
If I were to sum up cooperation with Stalwart Manacus in three words they would be: individual approach to the customer, commitment and trust. All three of these values met our expectations at a high level, so much so that we would be ready to entrust the recruitment service to SM once again. The recruitment process carried out efficiently and professionally. As a customer, we did not for a moment get the impression that the company just wants to sell “any candidate” . On the contrary, recruitment interviews conducted with a lot of dedication and care to match the candidate as if he were a match for his company. I recommend
Anna Majka
Junior HR Business Partner
Recruitment process provided by Stalwart Manacus was exceptional and assure full success and satisfaction on three sides. Facilitation of communication between the customer and the candidate shows perfect preparation and deep understanding of mutual needs. The Consultants of Stalwart Manacus are the best recruitment specialists on the market, they demonstrate perfect profesional preparation, patience, emphatic and supportive attitude. Polish market needs this kind of profesionals.
Michał Bajdor
Plant Manager
Konsberg Automotive

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