Assessment & Development Centre
Assessment and Development Centre is, according to research, one of the most effective methods of assessing an employee’s potential. They are used both in external recruitment and when selecting candidates for internal promotion in the company. They are based on the methodology of behavioral psychology, according to which our past behaviors are the best predictors of future reactions.
The Assessment Centre method in recruitment focuses on assessing the competences of candidates and is used in the selection process of those best fitting to a given position. The Development Centre focuses on identifying areas for development and supporting employees in their further careers.
A well-conducted session not only guarantees the selection of the right employee, but also a chance for the candidate to learn about their strengths and areas for development, and as a result – to receive a job tailored to their own competences.
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What is Assessment & Development Centre?
The assessment process using the Assessment Centre and Development Centre method is usually organized in the form of a one-day session, during which participants (usually from 4 to 6 people) perform specific tasks, both individual and group, e.g. case study, in-basket (involving finding optimal solution based on a large amount of scattered information), simulations of “difficult” conversations with an employee, client, superior, public speaking.
The method of solving tasks is assessed by assessors – specially trained recruiters or managers who closely observe the course of the session.
Development Centre Method
This is an advanced method of examining the development potential of employees. It focuses on checking competences and predispositions to choose specific career paths.
As part of the Development Centre, participants:
- take part in exercises and simulations that assess their strengths and development areas,
- receive feedback and an individual development plan,
- they receive specific tips on possible directions of development in the organization.
Assessment Centre Method
It allows you to collect, in a standardized way, information about the skill level and attitude of candidates. For example, the competencies assessed include: teamwork skills, communication skills, leadership and time management skills.
The use of Assessment Centre allows you to:
- objective assessment in accordance with previously defined criteria,
- determining the suitability of participants for specific roles in the organization,
- providing substantive feedback.
Assessment Centre vs Development Centre – what is the difference?
The difference between Assessment Centre and Development Centre methods results from the purpose for which they are performed.
Assessment Centre is used in recruitment processes to assess the degree to which candidates match specific positions. It focuses on objective assessment of participants’ competencies and skills through a variety of exercises and simulations that reflect professional challenges. The results are used to make employment decisions.
The Development Centre focuses on employee development, identifying strengths and areas requiring development. Its aim is to support employees in their professional development and to make appropriate HR decisions by managers. This process is focused more on long-term competence development and career building rather than on direct selection for specific positions.
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ContactAssessment & Development Centre – step by step
The process begins with detailed identification of the Client’s needs.
We arrange a conversation, the so-called briefing to:
- discuss the job profile and define the competencies to be tested during AC/DC,
- present the assessment and development center process, advantages and disadvantages of the method,
- establish the principles of cooperation.
Selection of participants.
- Creating a list of people to participate in AC based on previous stages of recruitment.
- Selection of employees to participate in DC, usually based on their development needs and company goals.
Reporting results.
Summary of the session and provision of information that can be used to make decisions about employment, promotion or prepare a professional development plan for participants.
Exercise design.
- Creating simulation exercises, tests and tasks that best reflect working conditions and allow for the assessment of required competencies.
Selection of participants
- Creating a list of people to participate in AC based on previous stages of recruitment.
- Selection of employees to participate in DC, usually based on their development needs and company goals.
Conducting the session, assessment and feedback.
- Explaining the principles of the assessment centtre (what it is, how it works, what the purpose is).
- Carrying out planned exercises during which assessors assess participants’ behaviors and skills according to pre-defined criteria.
- Collection and analysis of observations; preparing feedback for each participant, often with recommendations for further development.
- For the Development Centre – developing a development program, i.e. specific exercises, workshops and educational activities that support the development of selected competences.
Reporting results
Summary of the session and provision of information that can be used to make decisions about employment, promotion or prepare a professional development plan for participants.
Monitoring the effects.
Conducting a satisfaction survey from the AC/DC sessions.
Why is it worth choosing Assessment & Development Centre?
Assessment Centre and Development Centre method makes it possible to select from the group of participants those people who have the best competences to take up a given role.
It is an effective methodology based on scientific data. A professionally conducted Assessment & Development Centre gives over 90% chance of employing or promoting the right person. Its intensive formula allows you to examine a large pool of candidates in a short time.
Development Centre focuses on employee development, identifying strengths and areas requiring development. Its aim is to support employees in their professional development and to make appropriate personnel decisions by managers. This process is focused more on long-term competence development.
Benefits of an Assessment & Development Centre
Assessment Centre and Development method compared to other methods is:
It is based on observation of Candidates’ behavior in near-natural situations.
It is based on many sources of information about the Candidate.
Refers to the core competencies required to effectively perform the tasks of the job.
It is the result of integrating information from the observation of the Candidate’s behavior by several assessors.
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